
OUR MISSION is to apply the best insights of the behavioral sciences to clarify organizational roles and responsibilities and to promote mutually respectful working relationships.

OUR VISION is to serve as a trusted advisor who draws upon a deep and broad experience to assist our clients in identifying best practices for their unique setting, culture, and objectives.

OUR GOAL is to identify and help develop the leadership competencies of the business owners, partners, executives, and board members.

OUR EXPERIENCE in the San Antonio area since 1990 to the present has included consulting services to twelve established businesses, five medical practice groups, four law firms, three CPA firms, four non-profit organizations, five educational institutions, and two major public entities, and a single family office and private trust company board. These relations were and are formal contract services which sought to identify and develop desirable leadership competences in the executive offices and board rooms. On many occasions, the level of engagement involved board member training in a retreat setting, in-service training, management supervision, mentoring, and staff annual performance reviews. In some circumstances the consultation involved formal mediation regarding compensation, retention, succession planning or termination.

OUR RESULTS show improvement in leaders’ capacity and willingness to effectively manage process, to make quality decisions, to innovate, and to motivate people. One of the areas of our focused attention is helping executives develop a greater mental agility to deal with the complexity of the human problems their organizations face.


For more information contact [email protected]